The Dangers of Shorting Drug Shortages

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  • 08/16/2011

All of a sudden the Mainstream Media (highlighted by a much ballyhooed New York Times Week in Review op-ed by Zeke Emanuel) has discovered the problem of drug shortages.


Except it’s not a new problem.


According to a recent analysis, the frequency and impact of drug shortages have risen to critical levels, more than tripling since 2005, and affecting all segments of the healthcare community. In 2010, over 240 drugs were either in short supply or completely unavailable and more than 400 generic equivalents were backordered for greater than five days. In most instances, these did not progress to critical shortages, but point to instabilities in the supply chain that cause national concern. Many of the drugs identified in 2010 remain unavailable or in short supply in 2011.


Seventy-seven percent of drugs in short supply in 2010 were sterile injectable products, critical in the acute care setting. Recent media coverage highlights the plight of patients and physicians faced with shortages for cancer drugs, anesthetic agents, and critical care medications that have contributed to delays in treatment and surgery, or changes in care plans. Drug backorders cause patients to receive substitute therapies that add expense to patient care.


A major reason for shortages is quality/manufacturing issues. However there are other reasons such as production delays at the manufacturer and delays companies have experienced receiving raw materials and components from suppliers.  Discontinuations are another factor contributing to shortages.  (The FDA can't require a firm to keep making a drug it wants to discontinue.) 


It is time not to fix the blame – but to fix the problem.


Let’s start with the FDA.


In 2010, there were 178 drug shortages reported to the FDA. Is that a solid number?  Hard to say, because current regulations do not require companies to notify FDA of shortages. The only requirement is that companies inform FDA six months in advance for discontinuations of sole source, medically necessary drugs.  

(In 2010, for example there were 38 shortages prevented due to companies notifying FDA voluntarily of potential issues that could lead to shortages and FDA was able to work with the company to avoid a shortage.)

Inside the FDA’s Center Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) resides the agency’s Drug Shortage Program (DSP). The DSP was established to address potential or actual shortages of drugs that have a significant impact on public health. Through communication, facilitation and negotiation, DSP works with pharmaceutical manufacturers, review divisions, compliance and other components of FDA to manage product shortages.

For example, when the drug shortage is for a generic product (as it often is), the FDA works with other firms making the drug to help them ramp up production if they are willing to do so. Often they need new production lines approved or need new raw material sources approved to help increase supplies. FDA can and does expedite review of these to help resolve shortages of medically necessary drugs. 

But the FDA can't require the other firms to increase (or commence) production.

The agency tries to do the best it can with limited authority, spare resources and shared staff. In addition to direct communication with industry, the DSP also gets reports from healthcare professionals, patients/individuals, or professional organizations using the e-mail address

But, as you can imagine, there is not a lot of e-mail traffic.  And there is no social media effort to promote either its purpose or existence.

It’s a good start – but it’s not enough.  And you know what they say about good intentions.

The FDA’s Drug Shortage Program is a good start.  But it’s not getting the job done. The problem is getting worse. The FDA needs both more authority and greater resources. In short, more needs to happen.

The Institute for Safe Medication Practices reports that, according to survey of 1800 healthcare practitioners, more than half of respondents frequently or always encounter difficulties associated with drug shortages.

The top three problems fall squarely within the zone of appropriate FDA attention and action:

* Little or no information available about the duration of a drug shortage (85%)

* Lack of advanced warning from manufacturers or FDA to alert practitioners to an impending drug shortage and suggested alternatives (84%)

* Little or no information about the cause of the drug shortage (83%)

Survey respondents felt “unsupported by the FDA and are perplexed regarding why the US is experiencing drug shortages of epic proportion that are often associated with third-world countries.”

(More detail on the ISMP survey can be found here.)

Should the issues of both authority and funding for the FDA’s efforts to mitigate drug shortages be hung on the PDUFA Christmas tree or addressed in separate legislation?  Whether it’s one or the other, it’s an issue that must be addressed with alacrity before it becomes a political question of "Who lost drug shortages?"

And before it becomes a question of American lives.


Center for Medicine in the Public Interest is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization promoting innovative solutions that advance medical progress, reduce health disparities, extend life and make health care more affordable, preventive and patient-centered. CMPI also provides the public, policymakers and the media a reliable source of independent scientific analysis on issues ranging from personalized medicine, food and drug safety, health care reform and comparative effectiveness.

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