JAMA's Version of the Matrix

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  • 06/27/2008
If you don't know if you are being manipulated than how can you tell if it's you that are being controlled by outside forces or someone else? If everyone is unconsciously being biased without knowing it how can we really judge what is right or wrong apart from the shadowy influences. And who or what is controlling those influences we think are controlling those influences we think are subversive?

This from the mind of Catherine D' Angelis, Editor D' Jefe of JAM, courtesy of Tom Sullivan's Policy and Medicine blog:

Medical schools and professional medical associations have developed policies and guidelines in response to increasing concerns over potential conflicts of interest.

While many physicians agree with these concerns, some view conflict-of-interest policies as affronts to their integrity and an indictment of the ethical conduct of the profession as a whole. These individuals believe that their training as scientists and their devotion to professionalism protects them from external influences that might bias their opinions.

However, this view may be based on an incorrect understanding of human psychology. Conflicts of interest are problematic, not only because they are widespread but also because most people incorrectly think that succumbing to them is due to intentional corruption, a problem for only a few bad apples.

In this Commentary, we argue that succumbing to a conflict of interest is more likely to result from unintentional bias, something common in everyone. We review studies in neuropsychology, behavioral economics, cognitive psychology, and clinical epidemiology to illustrate this point."

All of which means there is no escape from conflict and therefore no end to regulation or thought control. Which begs the question: if that's the case, what qualifies the equally corrupted D' Angelis and her ilk for ruling over the everyone else?


Center for Medicine in the Public Interest is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization promoting innovative solutions that advance medical progress, reduce health disparities, extend life and make health care more affordable, preventive and patient-centered. CMPI also provides the public, policymakers and the media a reliable source of independent scientific analysis on issues ranging from personalized medicine, food and drug safety, health care reform and comparative effectiveness.

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