Tony Snow and Bobby Murcer

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  • 07/13/2008
Tony Snow and Bobby Murcer had a direct impact on my life.  I knew Tony a little or rather, he touched my life for the better the way he likely touched hundred of other lives.   Over 25 years ago when, as a newly minted assistant to the director of the Civil Rights Commission, holdover radicals appointed by Jimmy Carter forced me to leave for having the audacity of letting the public know certain commissioners suggesting riots were a response to President Reagan's election.  I was sitting in a vacant office at the American Enterprise Institute trying to figure out where I was going to get a job when I got a phone call from someone in the President's office named Tony Snow who then passed my name on to other people in the administration. 

Years later, when Tony was working both for USA Today and Fox he would either quote my articles or chat with me briefly.  I called to thank him and still remember the joy and enthusiasm in his voice for doing battle as well as the genuine feeling of interest he took in me and my writing.   

His turn on Fox News and as the President's press secretary gave him visibility he richly desevered.  His first love was his family and that was the focus of his efforts in the remaining years of his life.

I never knew Bobby Murcer.  As a Yankee fan I had hoped he would be the "next" Mickey Mantle.  But being Bobby Murcer was good enough.  Great clutch hitting,  Excellent outfielder and team leader.  Then being the voice of the Yankees for so many years. 
What many didn't know, even until he was diagnosed with a brain tumor, was that he devoted much of his life after baseball, to raising money for cancer research and for people in the baseball community who needed help paying for mortgages, medical bills etc. 

It has been said by some that new cancer treatments that "only" add a few months of life are not worth the cost.  I think of Tony Snow, who I know did for many what he did for me and who was able to provide for his family with the time science and G-d gave him and of Bobby Murcer who did so much for others suffering from cancer and of limited means and wonder what yardstick is applied by those who would sit on high.   We have lost two great men whose contribution to society and involvement with their families will endure and outweigh the claims imposed by people who would rob us of their presence out of cost considerations.

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